Papal Encyclical, 23 October 1948

Pope Pius XII, Encyclical on the Holy Places in Palestine, 15 April 1949

Statement from the Permanent Observer Mission of the Holy See to the UN, 30 June 1980

Address by the Permanent Observer Mission of the Holy See to the UN, 10 April 1989

Statement by Archbishop Jean Louis Tauran, 26 September 1992

Statement by the Holy See Press Office Director, Vatican Cuty, 30 December 1993

Address of the Pope John Paul II during the exchange of greetings, 13 January 1996

Consideration of the Secretariat of State May 1996

Permanent Observer Mission of the Holy See to the UN, 20 July 1998

Vatican Foreign Minister Archbishop Jean Louis Tauran, 26 October 1998

Address by Archbishop Jean Louis Tauran, 10 March 1999

Speech on the Vatican and Jerusalem, 23 October 1999

Basic Agreements, 15 February 2000

Greeting of John Paul II to the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, 26 March 2000

Angelus, John Paul II, 23 July 2000

Address of Pope John Paul II to the new ambassador of the State of Israel to the Holy See, 18 September 2000

Interventions by the Holy SEE Delegation to the UN, 30 October 2000

Intervention by the Holy See Delegation at the IV Committee of the 58th UN GA on UNRWA, 3 November 2003

Intervention by the Holy See Delegation at the IV Committee of the UN GA on item 75

Intervention by the Holy See Delegation at the IV Committee of the 60th UN GA

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