
The Rosary Sisters, Sister Sabha Marji, Sister Mountaha Bader, Sister Nabila Saleh, Sister Augusta Hijazen and Sister Claudette Ajamian, visited this morning the Embassy, after they had the General Audience with His Holiness Pope Francis, and we were blessed by their presence. Three of them, Sister Sabha Marji, Sister Mountaha Bader and Sister Nabila Saleh, were coming from Gaza and we heard from them the tragedies our people are passing through.It is heartbreaking when you hear the personal stories.

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On 8 June 2014, His Holiness Pope Francis, the President of the State of Palestine, Mahmoud Abbas, the then-President of the State of Israel, Shimon Peres, and the Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople, Bartholomew I, made history in an unprecedented event in which the leaders planted an olive tree for peace in the Vatican Gardens.ADDRESS OF HIS HOLINESS POPE FRANCIS.pdf 

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Issa Kassissieh, Ambassador of Palestine to the Holy See: “Gaza has become a graveyard for our children. All over the world there are those who talk about the current escalation as if it was a story that started last October 7. I do not limit myself to such a superficial analysis.”Ambassador Kassissieh’s interview.pdfTranslation of Ambassador Kassissieh’s interview.pdf

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