Author: Embassy of The State of Palestine to The Holy See

Crumbling masonry, huge tax demands and falling congregations have brought the squabbling Christian communities in Jerusalem together for the first time in over 500 yearsAttached File(s):  The Tablet.pdf

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Signing of the Pact of Friendship between the municipalities of Gubbio and Bethlehem, which emphasized the communion of human, cultural and religious values. The event was attended by the Bishop Luciano Paolucci Bedini, the Mayor of Gubbio Mr. Filippo Mario Stirati, the Mayor of Bethlehem Mr. Anton Salman, Ambassador Issa Kassissieh, Father Ibrahim Faltas of the Custody of the Holy Land, Bernardetta Radicchi, President of CESF Perugia and Mr. Fabio Mariani, President of Università dei Muratori.

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H.E. Ambassador Issa Kassissieh attended the meeting with H.E. Mons. Giovanni D’Ercole, Bishop of Ascoli Piceno, and local authorities at the Bishop’s Palace and visited the the multi-purpose auditorium Agorà in Arquata del Tronto. The event was organized in cooperation with the Association “Carità Politica”. Download the article: click here Attached File(s): To the earthquake victims in the Piceno area.pdf

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