Author: Embassy of The State of Palestine to The Holy See

Click here to download the video of the canonization of four blesseds, May 17th 2015  Click here to download the article of Zenit “Pope Francis’ Homily at Canonizations of Four Blesseds”, May 17th 2015 (English) Click here to download the Omely of H.H Pope Francis for the canonization of the 4 nuns (text in English and Arabic), May 17th 2015 (English/Arabic)Click here to download the images of Wafa News “Pope Francis’ Canonizations of Four Blesseds”, May 17th 2015 (English)Click here to download the article of Maan News “Pope creates first Palestinian saints at Vatican mass”, May 17th 2015 (English) Click here to download the article of Reuters “Pope Francis canonizes two Palestinian nuns”, May 17th 2015 (English) Click here to download the…

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Click here to download the article of Huffington Post “Pope Francis Calls Palestinian Leader Mahmoud Abbas An ‘Angel Of Peace'”, May 16th 2015 (English)Click here to download the article of Zenith “Pope to President Mahmoud Abbas: ‘May You Be an Angel of Peace””, May 16th 2015 (English)Click here to download the article of BBC “Pope Francis Calls Abbas An ‘Angel Of Peace'”, May 16th 2015 (English)Click here to download the article of The Telegraph “Pope calls Palestinian leader Abbas ‘angel of peace’ at Vatican meeting'”, May 16th 2015 (English)Click here to download the article of EuroNews “Pope praises Abbas as ‘angel of peace’ before canonisation of Palestinian nuns'”, May 16th 2015 (English)Click here to download the…

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Click here to download the article of Al Jazeera  “Vatican to Sign First Treaty With ‘State of Palestine’, May 13th 2015 Click here to download the article of the Independent “Vatican recognises Palestine as state in treaty”, May 14th 2015Click here to download the article of the Waafa News “President Mahmoud Abbas in Rome”, May 14th 2015Click here to download the article of the Reuters “Vatican agrees first treaty with State of Palestine, solidifying relationship”, May 14th 2015Click here to download the article of Vox “The Vatican recognizes Palestine as a state in new treaty”, May 14th 2015Click here to download the article of Huffingtonpost “The Vatican recognizes Palestine as a state in new treaty”, May 14th 2015Click here to download the…

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On 13 May 2015, the Bilateral Commission of the Holy See and the State of Palestine, which is working on a Comprehensive Agreement following on the Basic Agreement, signed on 15 February 2000, held a Plenary Session in the Vatican to acknowledge the work done at an informal level by the joint technical group following the last official meeting held in Ramallah at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the State of Palestine on 6 February 2014.The talks were chaired by Mgr Antoine Camilleri, Under-Secretary for the Holy See’s Relations with States, and by Ambassador Rawan Sulaiman, Assistant Minister of…

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Click here to download of Ambassador Issa Kassissieh, ambassador of the State of Palestine to the Holy See, “Modern Palestinian saints a message of peace, justice and freedom”, May 11th 2015Click here to download of Ambassador Issa Kassissieh, ambassador of the State of Palestine to the Holy See,  “Modern Palestinian saints a message of peace, justice and freedom” published in Maan News, May 11th 2015

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Click here to download of Ambassador Issa Kassissieh, ambassador of the State of Palestine to the Holy See, “Modern Palestinian saints a message of peace, justice and freedom”, May 11th 2015Click here to download of Ambassador Issa Kassissieh, ambassador of the State of Palestine to the Holy See,  “Modern Palestinian saints a message of peace, justice and freedom” published in Maan News, May 11th 2015

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