Author: Embassy of The State of Palestine to The Holy See

HOMILY OF HIS HOLINESS POPE FRANCIS The Acts of the Apostles have set before us the early Church as she elects the man whom God called to take the place of Judas in the college of the Apostles. It is has to do not with a job, but with service.Indeed, Matthias, on whom the choice falls, receives a mission which Peter defines in these words: “One of these men… must become a witness with us to his resurrection”, the resurrection of Christ (Acts 1:21- 23).In this way Peter sums up what it means to be part of the Twelve: it means…

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Click here to download the video of the canonization of four blesseds, May 17th 2015 Click here to download the article of Zenit “Pope Francis’ Homily at Canonizations of Four Blesseds”, May 17th 2015 (English) Click here to download the Omely of H.H Pope Francis for the canonization of the 4 nuns (text in English and Arabic), May 17th 2015 (English/Arabic) Click here to download the images of Wafa News “Pope Francis’ Canonizations of Four Blesseds”, May 17th 2015 (English) Click here to download the article of Maan News “Pope creates first Palestinian saints at Vatican mass”, May 17th 2015 (English) Click here to download the article of Reuters “Pope Francis canonizes two Palestinian nuns”, May 17th…

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