Author: Embassy of The State of Palestine to The Holy See

Statements of His Holiness Pope Francis on Jerusalem6.12.2017: Audience with participants in the meeting of the Permanent Committee for Dialogue with Religious figures in Palestine6.12.2017: General Audience25.12.2017: Holy Father’s Message and “Urbi et Orbi” Blessing on the Solemnity of the Nativity of the Lord8.01.2018: Audience with the Diplomatic Corps accredited to the Holy See for New Year Greetings 18.01.2018: Letter of the Holy Father Francis to the Grand Imam of Al Azhar for the International Confrence of Al-Azhar in support of Jerusalem5.02.2018: Holy See Press Office Communique’: Audience with the President of theRepubblic of Turkey

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RAMALLAH, December 22, 2017 (WAFA) – President Mahmoud Abbas Friday stated in a Christmas message that the US recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital has been an “insult to millions of people worldwide and also to the city of Bethlehem”.Abbas said that the US President Donald Trump’s decision on Jerusalem “has encouraged the illegal disconnection between the holy cities of Bethlehem and Jerusalem, both separated for the first time in over 2000 years of Christianity.”Full text of the Christmas message: click here 

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We are very grateful about the role that the Holy See has played for a just and lasting peace in the Holy Land, and for having opened an embassy of Palestine in the Vatican for the first time. We are proud to be the birthplace of Christianity and about having one of the oldest Christian communities in the world.We discussed the importance of the implementation of our comprehensive bilateral agreement. This treaty goes beyond the formal recognition of the State of Palestine on the 1967 borders: It ratifies our commitment to the freedom of worship and our support for the…

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(…) The Holy See renews its urgent appeal for the resumption of dialogue between Israelis and Palestinians towards a stable and enduring solution that guarantees the peaceful coexistence of two states within internationally recognized borders.  No conflict can become a habit impossible to break.  Israelis and Palestinians need peace.  The whole Middle East urgently needs peace! (quotes from H.H speech)Click here for the Pope’s address in EnglishClick here for the Pope’s address in ArabicClick here for the Pope’s address in ItalianClick here for Vatican InsiderClick here for Catholic news Agency (CNA)Click here to download the pictures

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From Conflict to Communion – Unifying Religious Celebrations among Churches by: Issa Jamil KassissiehOne of the most important moments I have experienced as Ambassador of Palestine to the Holy See was the historic Lutheran-Catholic common prayer for the commemoration of the Reformation that took place on October 31, 2016, in Lund, Sweden. It exemplifies the path His Holiness Pope Francis is determined to follow and the result he strives to achieve.The signs of progress toward unity among the Churches were already apparent during the pilgrimage of His Holiness Pope Francis to Palestine in 2014. It included his historical encounter with the…

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